effective and ineffective communication

C05 Business Communication

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the “Assignment Format” page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Part A

Think about your own experiences with both effective and ineffective communication, and select one (1) example of each to analyze.

  1. Briefly describe each of the two (2) scenarios– one related to a personal experience with effective communication and one related to a personal experience with ineffective communication.
  1. Describe whether each scenario is an example of effective or ineffective communication, providing at least two (2) supporting facts for each scenario.

Part B 


  1. Imagine that you have an interview for an internship that you really want to get. Describe three (3) ways in which you can display professionalism in this situation.
  1. Describe the implications of selecting the appropriate channel and medium for a business message. Describe at least two (2) factors involved in this.
  1. Provide one (1) original example of each of the following: physiological barrier, language barrier, and psychological barrier.

Grading Rubric


Please refer to the rubric on the following page for the grading criteria for this assignment.

CATEGORY Exemplary Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Unacceptable
Part A: Effective communication scenario (10 points) 10 points  8 points  5 points  2 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of at least 1 personal experience involving effective communication. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of at least 1 personal experience involving effective communication. Student provides a weak or unclear description of at least 1 personal experience involving effective communication. Student provides a poor description of 1 personal experiences involving effective communication.
Part A: Ineffective communication scenario (10 points) 10 points  8 points  5 points  2 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of at least 1 personal inexperience involving ineffective communication. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of at least 1 personal experience involving ineffective communication. Student provides a weak or unclear description of at least 1 personal experience involving ineffective communication. Student provides a poor description of 1 personal experiences involving ineffective communication.
Part A: Effective vs. ineffective (15 points) 15 points  12 points  8 points  5 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of whether each of the 2 scenarios described is an example of effective or ineffective communication, with at least 2 clear, logical supporting facts. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of whether each of the 2 scenarios described is an example of effective or ineffective communication, with 1- mostly clear, logical supporting facts. Student provides a weak or unclear description of whether each of the 2 scenarios described is an example of effective or ineffective communication, with 1 weak or unclear supporting facts. Student provides a poor description of whether 1 of the scenarios described is an example of effective or ineffective communication, with 0-1 poor supporting facts.
Part B: Professionalism (10 points) 10 points  8 points  5 points  2 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of at least 3 ways that he or she could show professionalism in the interview scenario. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of 2-3 ways that he or she could show professionalism in the interview scenario. Student provides a weak or unclear description of 1-2 ways that he or she could show professionalism in the interview scenario. Student provides a poor description of 1 way that he or she could show professionalism in the interview scenario.





Part B: Channel and medium (10 points) 10 points  8 points  5 points  2 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of the implications of selecting the appropriate channel and medium for a business message, along with at least 2 factors involved. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of the implications of selecting the appropriate channel and medium for a business message, along with at least 2 factors involved. Student provides a weak or unclear description of the implications of selecting the appropriate channel and medium for a business message, along with 1-2 factors involved. Student provides a poor description of the implications of selecting the appropriate channel and medium for a business message, along with 1 factor involved.
Part B: Barriers (15 points) 15 points  12 points  8 points  5 points 
Student provides a clear, logical description of at least 1 original example for each of the following: physiological barrier, language barrier, and psychological barrier. Student provides a mostly clear, logical description of at least 1 original example for 2-3 of the following: physiological barrier, language barrier, and psychological barrier. Student provides a weak or unclear description of at least 1 original example for 1-2 of the following: physiological barrier, language barrier, and psychological barrier. Student provides a poor description of 1 original examples for 1 of the following: physiological barrier, language barrier, and psychological barrier.
Mechanics (20 points) 20 points  15 points  10 points  5 points 
Student makes no errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Student makes 1-2 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Student makes 3-4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content. Student makes more than 4 errors in grammar or spelling that distract the reader from the content.
Format  (10 points) 10 points  8 points  5 points  2 points 
The paper is written in proper format. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. The paper is written in proper format with only 1-2 errors. All sources used for quotes and facts are credible and most are cited correctly. The paper is written in proper format with only 3-5 errors. Most sources used for quotes and facts are credible and cited correctly. The paper is not written in proper format. Many sources used for quotes and facts are less than credible (suspect) and/or are not cited correctly.