How do you feel about being an immaterial officer?
Please review the questions below and write a 3-4 page essay analyzing each an immaterial officer in this week’s modules readings. We have included thoughts from the field about immaterial officer for your review. Please apply APA format with in text citing, reference list, and double-space. Please visit the Academic Resource Center for help with APA format and include references page.
How do you feel about being an immaterial officer? What are the pros and cons? Do you see a future being an immaterial officer? Describe the impact of being an immaterial officer on the lives of those who living it. Does the immaterial officer break even in the long run? In what ways were the immaterial officer in the 1990s like the 2000s, and in what ways were the two decades different?Branch immaterial position.A duty position that is not identified with or limited to one specific branch of the Army but indicates that any commissioned officer may fill the position.Thoughts from the field are below.
- Working outside your field is a good thing. It shows you’re more than a one show pony. What really matters is how well you have performed outside your field. Success or failure in your assigned duties is just that, and will reflect as such.
- You should always look for a Key development (KD) assignment. if you are technically and tactically proficient and can be spared to work an field immaterial assignment it couldn’t hurt, but I wouldn’t look to stay in that position too long either. You have to take care of your own career. Be a team player, but if the assignment is not for you, I would look to other options when that time came. Worst thing to do is to have a bad attitude about it though, because that will affect you now and potentially in the future. Good luck!
- The organization structure document doesn’t really matter. The importance of the work and the quality of the performance of those duties is what really matters. The organization structure document is merely the document that determines by duty position how a unit will be filled. Beyond that, it is up to the commander to task organize the unit to perform the mission as it exists at any given time. Focus on doing the best job you can in whatever you are assigned to do. If you do that, it will work out in the end. If you’re constantly looking for another job, it likely will not.
- The organization structure document doesn’t really matter. The importance of the work and the quality of the performance of those duties is what really matters. The organization structure document is merely the document that determines by grade and field how a unit will be filled. Beyond that, it is up to the commander to task organize the unit to perform the mission as it exists at any given time. Focus on doing the best job you can in whatever you are assigned to do. If you do that, it will work out in the end. If you’re constantly looking for another job, it likely will not.