Information of company: Singapore Post (in global context)

Assignment 1: Strategic analysis and context evaluation

Number of words required: 1000

Information of company: Singapore Post (in global context)

This assignment requires you to undertake a research on Singapore Post. You will be provided with some and you are required to find your own information. You are not to contact the organization directly.

In undertaking your research and in the assignment that you submit, you are required to demonstrate that you have thought critically about the information you have accessed. This includes information about the company, and also any strategic theories, models, tools or framework that you use in undertaking your analysis.

You are expected to complete these (SingPost):
Industry/Sector/Market Analysis (Porter’s 5F)
1. What is the purpose of the 5F analysis
• The threst of entry;
• The threat of substitutes;
• The bargaining power of buyers;
• The batgaining power of suppliers;
• The extent of rivalry between competitors.
2. What is the strength of each force, now and in the foreseeable future?
3. Any main driving forces? How so?
4. Are there interconnectedness between the forces? E.g., increased threat of entry has increased supplier bargaining power.
5. You must make a reasoned conclusion
A minimum of seven (7) academic journal articles must be read and cited.
Any use of comments, information, data or quotations from others (books, journals, newspapers, web etc.) must be cited using Harvard referencing style.
– The 12 point font in Times New Roman should be used throughout. Appropriate spacing (1.5 lines) and margins on all sides (at least 2 cm) need to be maintained.