OSHA imposes obligations on the employer, but these obligations are not limitless
There are 6 questions: 2 in accounting and 4 in employment law. The questions are not related, and should be answered separately with the correlating question number on top. References are required.
Question 1
Class, what are the three different types of accounting for changes. Give suitable examples. Do you find any company that has reported an accounting change in the recent years? Please let me know if you have any questions
Question 2
Now let’s understand how these different types of accounting changes are recorded and what is the direct and indirect impact on the financial statements? Please let me know if you have any questions.
Question 3
On September 25, 2008, President Bush signed the ADA Amendments Act of 2008 (ADAAA) into law, overturning a series of decisions by the U.S. Supreme Court under the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and expanding the scope of medical conditions protected by the law. What do these changes mean for employers and employees in conjunction with protection against discrimination based on disability in the workplace? What will employers need to do to comply?
Question 4
An interesting question related to one who is disabled; however, the disability is mitigated by medication relates to their responsibility to take the medication. What if the individual with this impairment intentionally stopped taking the medicine (mitigating measure) and began “acting out” on the job and was abusive toward a supervisor or peers? Would s/he be subject to discipline or would the behavior be tolerated because of the disability? |
Question 5
OSHA imposes obligations on the employer, but these obligations are not limitless. As federal administrations change, requirements change. Let’s start by focusing on ergonomics. A major concern of OSHA throughout the 1990s was worker maladies such as carpal tunnel syndrome, which was ascribed to long hours sitting in workstations and typing on computer keyboards. Where should OSHA go next with its ergonomics program? What obligation do employers have under OSHA’s general duty clause that protects employees against certain hazards in the workplace, where no other OSHA standard would address the condition?
Question 6
See the link below for an article about ergonomics in the work place that is a resource manual and is very interesting and useful for anyone who has safety responsibilities at their organization.