Think of two organization or units you have observed: one that followed the Flywheel principle, and the other that fell into the Doom Loop

Think of two organization or units you have observed: one that followed the Flywheel principle, and the other that fell into the Doom Loop. What caused the difference between the two? If you do not have this life experience, you will need to interview a leader, explain the concepts, and report the answers. What does your contrast teach about why so many organizations fall into the Doom Loop rather than build momentum over the long term in the Flywheel? How is this important to public safety organizations?

Textbook Reading

    • Collins: ch. 7
    • Meese & Ortmeier: ch. 11

Discussion Board Instructions

There are 6 Discussion Board Forum questions, along with reading assignments for each Discussion Board Forum. You will complete the assigned readings and post a 400-word thread answering the Discussion Board question assigned from the readings. Threads require a minimum of 3 properly formatted citations. The thread must be submitted in the Discussion Board Forum’s textbox as well as a properly formatted, current APA Word document.


 Also go back over the three papers which include: The Narcissistic Leadership Paper, Servant Leadership Paper, and the Personal Philosophy of Leadership Paper to make the necessary changes. These are the notes from what my Professor had to say about the papers.

Comments from Professor:  Please proof these papers. All paragraphs must be indented. You cannot use contractions. No punctuation prior to the citation in the body of the text either. Please review the rules of writing and the APA guidelines on formatting prior to your final submission. 

This does not require you to do the papers over. It just means for you to make the necessary changes.




News Article Review Instructions

 You are required to submit brief essays which discuss current news articles that relate to public policy. The purpose of this assignment is to encourage you to evaluate current public policy issues and their treatment in the media in light of the concepts covered in the readings and discussions occurring in the course. The news articles you select must illustrate a real-world application, or, where appropriate, a lack of application, of one or more of the concepts covered in the readings of the same module/week. Your essays must be critical reviews of the articles, meaning that you must provide your own analysis regarding the articles, rather than simply summarizing them.

Review the News Article Review Grading Rubric to improve the quality of your essays and be sure to adhere to all of the specific guidelines described below.

News Article Selection Guidelines

The articles or news stories that you choose must be:

  • found in a newspaper, on a news program, or from another reputable media source (including reputable Internet sources);
  • published within the last month; and
  • clearly illustrative of the application, or failure to apply, one or more of the concepts covered in the course during the module/week of the assignment.

    Each article review must cover different topics. Refrain from using follow-up pieces or multiple perspectives of the same topic. For example, if you find an article discussing a new government regulation in The New York Times, you cannot use a follow-up piece put out a few days later in the same newspaper or a different article in a different newspaper discussing the same topic

Essay Guidelines


Your essay must be ½-1 page, double-spaced. In the essay, you must summarize the article in order to demonstrate your comprehension of the content. Additionally, you must identify key elements discussed in the article and relate those elements back to concepts discussed in the course. Discuss whether the situation described in the article implements any of the concepts discussed in the course or if there are possible ways that concepts from the course could be implemented.

At the end of the essay, provide the complete citation for the article (including the publication date). If possible, you should include the actual article either by pasting it at the end of the document or by providing a link to the article. Format the essay and citation in current Turabian style.