This assignment is about HEAD
- This assignment is about HEAD
- It must contain at least Five (5) images (more if you want).
- You need to photograph four (4) of the images.
- If needed, make sure you edit each image in Photoshop.
- You need to scan one item.
- The scanners are located on the second floor of the library.
- There are numerous scanners available, so look for the signs.
- You need to photograph four (4) of the images.
- You must have 5 layers in the Photoshop document for the face.
- Two of the layers must have masks (and they can’t be blank masks).
- There needs to be at least two different blending modes used.
- You need to have one saved selection.
Please have DSc-8383 as the primary picture.
Be creative with each section. Just have fun