description of the scenes which have greatest impact or the most potential for use within the marriage coaching relationship;

Movie Review Instructions




The Confessions of A Marriage Counselor

NO PLAGIARISM!! This paper is checked!!!!

Choose a movie to review that has a strong marriage coaching theme in it. Your review requires you to interact with the content of the movie in a way that allows for an understanding of the impact that movies can have on the marriage coaching process. For example, in the movie FIREPROOF, Caleb’s father serves as a marriage coach in encouraging, modeling, and providing accountability for Caleb as he made decisions about his marriage.

Each review must be 2–3 pages and must adhere to current APA formatting. Your title page must include the running head, title of your paper, your name, and the name of your university.

Use the following format in completing your Movie Reviews:

The Review

Give your impression of the movie with only a brief description of the plot summary. Resist the urge to retell the whole plot of the movie; instead, share the scenes that had the greatest impact on your thinking or the most potential for use within the marriage coaching relationship. What aspects of the movie should the viewer look for if they have not seen the movie, and what aspects/scenes do you feel warrant further reflection and why?

Therapeutic Implications

Having noted the scenes that have value for use in your coaching practice, what is the specific value that you see for use in the coaching process? For example, if you observe emotional outbursts, angry tirades, attempts at connection, empathic listening, etc., point out the scene and the way in which it could be used to enhance your client’s understanding of the skill/technique you are attempting to teach. Are you using this scene to make an emotional, cognitive, or spiritual connection? What is your rationale for choosing this scene?

Personal/Professional Implications

How did you connect with the movie on a personal level? How did it confirm or challenge some of your perceptions of the marriage coaching process? How will you utilize this information personally or professionally to impact your delivery of marriage coaching services. Were there any scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a personal level and why?



Movie Review Grading Rubric

Content (75 points) Points Earned Instructor’s Comments
Review (25 points):

·         Review is concise, tightly worded, brief description of the scenes which have greatest impact or the most potential for use within the marriage coaching relationship;

·         Adequately complete without retelling the whole plot;

·         What aspects of the movie should the viewer look for if they haven’t seen the movie?

·         What aspects/scenes warrant further reflection and why?

·         Approximately 1 page of text.

Therapeutic Implications (25 points): includes elements such as:

·         Briefly describe a particular scene (emotional outbursts, angry tirades, attempts at connection, empathic listening, etc.)

·         Explain how the scene can be used to enhance your client’s understanding of the skill/technique you are attempting to teach in the coaching process. (Are you using this scene to make an emotional, cognitive, or spiritual connection?)

·         What is your rationale for choosing this scene?

·         Approximately 1 page of text.

Personal/Professional Implications (25 points):

·         How did you connect with the movie on a personal level?

·         How did it confirm or challenge some of your perceptions of the marriage coaching process?

·         How will you utilize this information personally or professionally to impact your delivery of marriage coaching services?

·         Were there any scenes that you strongly agreed/disagreed with on a personal level and why?

·         Approximately 1 page of text.




Writing (15 points) Points Earned Instructor’s Comments
·         Paragraphs are organized to develop 1 main topic per paragraph; each paragraph contains at least 3 sentences per current APA format.

·         The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.

·         Sentences are well-constructed, complete, clear, and concise.

·         Paper uses sentence transitions which draw ideas together

·         Paper exhibits proper rules of grammar, usage, and punctuation

·         Spelling is correct.

APA (10 points) Points Earned Instructor’s Comments
·         The paper follows current APA format and includes a title page as well as a reference page.

·         Each page utilizes a running header and page number. All pages are double spaced, per current APA format.

·         Citations of original works within the body of the paper follow current APA format; all assertions backed by references.

·         In-text citations must match citations in reference page.

·         Quotes used strategically The paper is laid out with correct use of current APA headings that correspond to the 3 main sections.

·         The paper title is repeated on the top of first page of text (centered). Times New Roman font preferred.
