Definition of Security
Read the call-of-the-question carefully, and follow the instructions for each subject. Prepare four briefing papers using the APA format for research papers, and upload them as one document for your response.
Briefing Paper 1: Critical Legal Thinking
- Read Glen v. Club Mediterranee, S. A. in your Cheeseman textbook on page 544.
- Respond to the three Case Questions found in the Cheeseman textbook on page 544.
- Assume your readers know the facts of the case as articulated in the Critical Legal Thinking, Ethics, and Contemporary Business questions. Argue both sides of all issues.
Briefing Paper 2: Law Case with Answers
- Read Republic of Argentina v. Weltover, Inc. in your Cheeseman textbook on page 549.
- Read Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity and Exceptions to the FSIA in your Cheeseman textbook on page 545.
- Assume your readers know the facts of the case and are only seeking your opinions on whether or not the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act (FSIA) applies based on the commercial activities of the Argentinian government.
- Provide convincing arguments for both sides of your recommendations.
Briefing Paper 3: Critical Legal Thinking Cases
- Read the following sections in your textbook:
- ????? Sections 16.1 Piercing the Corporate Veil (p. 349),
- ?? ?? 17.8 Definition of Security (p. 372),
- ?? ?? North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) (pp. 538-539), and
- ?? ?? World Trade Organization (WTO) (p. 542).
- Check the decisions of the highest appellate courts, if a case is cited, for each fact pattern. For the NAFTA and WTO readings, no cases are required.
- Assume your readers know the facts of each scenario and are seeking your opinions on whether or not each of the four subjects affect business in the United States. If so, provide the worst and best case scenarios.
Briefing Paper 4: Ethics Case
- Read Section 26.5 Ethics in your Cheese man textbook on pages 550-551.
- Assume your readers know the facts of the case and are only seeking your opinions on the three questions found at the end of Section 26.5. Argue both sides of all issues.
Textbook: Please be sure that you have availability to this textbook( paper or online version) before offering handshake as I do not have time to photograph textbook and send photos.