Advertising & Marketing.
Advertising plays an important part of the marketing mix, which includes many types of media. Using paragraph form, explain the major advantages and disadvantages associated with using each of the following advertising media: Television, radio, newspapers, magazines, direct mail, outdoor advertising, and Internet advertising. Give examples of the types of advertisers most likely to use each medium. Include several examples of the various advantages and disadvantages within each type of media as listed. To answer the questions with an adequate response, your paper should be a minimum of four (4) or more pages in length, double-spaced and typed using 12 point size type with either Arial or Times New Roman font. You need to use a minimum of three (3) sources to complete this assignment. One of the sources may be the textbook. Be sure to give proper credit to any material you quote or specifically use from all sources either as footnotes or in bibliography form. Papers turned in without proper credit for sources will not receive a grade.