Topic: The Therapeutic Alliance

Topic: The Therapeutic Alliance

Using the Stafford Library resources, you should research professional/peer-reviewed journal articles. Then, choose at least one article to use (which has full text available), along with your textbook when answering at least 2 of the following questions:

1. Do you believe that the clinician-client relationship is critical to the outcome of therapy? State your position and your supporting rationale.

2. What do you believe are the critical elements of forming these collaborative client relationships and why?

Use enough professional/peer-reviewed reference material to support your position.
Papers should be written using APA format and style standards. A link to a popular APA format and style guide is included under the Research Paper module in the Content area.
Do not use direct quotations on this paper. Paraphrase your sources to demonstrate your understanding of the material and cite these sources properly. Papers with direct quotations may be dropped a letter grade. Listing a source on the reference page is not sufficient to address proper citation of sources. In-text citations are required. Note: To paraphrase, you must put your sources material in your own words. Do not use material word-for-word from your sources without using quotation marks and citing them, otherwise this will be considered a form of plagiarism.
Papers should be double-spaced with 12-point font. Do NOT have any more than a double space at any point in the paper, such as between paragraphs or on either side of a heading.